Students should come modestly dressed to the college.
Students should wear their ID cards daily and should produce the same when required for verification and identification.
The discipline of higher order is to be maintained inside the college campus and in hostels.
Students must reach the classrooms on time and attend Classes regularly.
Every student must wish the staff members on his/her first meeting of the day.
When a staff member enters the classroom, the students must stand up as a token of respect.
Courteous behavior is expected from the students when they address both staff and friends. They should not use offensive language. Students should avoid standing and loitering in the corridors.
The student should see the Notice Board daily to know the important instructions given by the authorities of the college.
Students with inadequate attendance will be deprived to appear for University exams.
Students should not involve in any activities affecting the prestige of themselves or the staff members or the institution.
Smoking and use of panparag, pan masala, and other intoxicants are strictly prohibited within the college campus and in hostels.
Eve-teasing and ragging are strictly prohibited. Severe action will be taken against those who are found to do so.
Students should not cause damage to the College property. If found doing so, they will be penalized.
The principal is empowered to dismiss a student from the College, who is found guilty of ragging or gross misbehavior.